Bill is the founder and President of Alpine Business Systems. He holds several technology certifications from Microsoft, Dell, VM Ware and others.
He grew up in Central Jersey and received both Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Manhattan School of Music. He worked as a drummer in the music industry in 70’s and 80’s, played on hit records, and worked with many well-known groups and individuals, embracing computer technology as a driving force in music production.
In 1983 he studied several computer languages and began a career in information systems. He founded Alpine Business Systems in 1987 and successfully created a proprietary retail automotive and financial software application. Alpine was immediately successful, having sold its software to several hundred auto dealers, leasing companies, and other financial and insurance institutions.
Alpine now designs, deploys, and manages best-in-class Information Technologies, on-premise and in the “Cloud”, as well as custom software, websites, and digital strategies, resulting in measurable increases in their clients’ productivity, performance, reliability, and security. Alpine’s I.T. Best Practices Framework sets them apart from other I.T. firms because it focuses on business processes, as well as technology, producing continuous improvements in their clients’ Operational Excellence and Cyber Security profile.
Alpine’s purpose: Improve the quality of life for its clients, fellow teammates, and community. Its 4 values: Respect Everyone, Always tell the truth, Keep your commitments, Leave everything better than you found it.
Bill lives in Somerset County, NJ with his wife. Between them they have 4 children. He enjoys music and art, and is an avid reader of books, blogs, and articles on business, management, leadership, creativity, music, and personal development. He still plays the drums at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Hillsborough, NJ.